St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale News

The latest news stories from St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale.


News Stories

  • Year 4 Coding and Dragons
    Today Year 4 drew a mythical Viking dragon for their topic work. They also painted a Viking sprite into Pyonkee and used blocks to code its actions. Well done Year 4
  • Reception Class Robots
    Reception Class have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. The children listened to the story of The Hungry Caterpillar and used the AR app, My Caterpillar. Reception Class were also introduced to our resident robots - Beebot.
  • Year 5 Computing
    Year 5 are pictured here using Kodu to enhance their code learning.
  • Year 5 Fencing
    Year 5 had a wonderful afternoon taking part in the sport of fencing. Fencing is an exciting, fast paced sport. Year 5 learned the rules of fencing and thoroughly enjoyed their time.
  • Year 4 Scratch 3 and MS Word
    Our very clever Year 4 class have had a busy afternoon. They have been using Scratch 3. The children used MS Word to start to learn word processing including font style, size and colour. Year 4 have mastered highlighting text!
  • Year 1 Holy Week activities
    This week Year 1 have found lots of different ways to retell the Events of Holy Week.
  • Mass
    Year 1 did a fantastic job leading the whole school mass this morning.
  • Year 5 Kahoots!
    Year 5 have been playing Kahoots today. Kahoots are fun and engaging learning in the form of a quiz.
  • Year 2 Creative RE - The Easter Story
  • Year 2 - Palm Sunday
    Hosanna! Today Year 2 celebrated the events of Palm Sunday.
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