St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale News

The latest news stories from St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale.


News Stories

  • Year 5 Hit the Button
    Year 5 have been practicing their times tables using the wonderful Hit the Button.
  • GIFT Chaplaincy Gospel Podcast
    Please see our Chaplaincy Gospel Podcast on the Faith Journey/Prayer and Liturgy Page
  • Year 3 Computing Yes/No!
    Fantastic afternoon in Year 3. The children have played the Who is it? Game where they can only ask questions with a yes/no answer. Painting by numbers - A Woolly Mammoth! Catch up with Newsround.
  • Easter
    Reception Class have discussed what reminds them of Easter. The children have created their own Easter scene.
  • Year 5 Computing - Databases
    Year 5 children investigating paper and computerised databases. The children have been learning that databases are made up of records and fields and have started to discover how to search a computerised database.
  • Year 4 Computing Data Logging
    Logging the temperature of the sun on a given day, labelling a Roman Soldier and learning about the disaster which occurred in Pompeii. All in an afternoons work for Year 4. Well done everyone
  • Year 3 Branching Databases
    The children have started to understand Branching Databases by asking questions that only have a yes/no answers. The children also created their own Stone Age setting.
  • Design and Technology super learning day
    Today we enjoyed our Design and Technology super learning day. We designed and made Troll puppets, masks and paper flowers and even made a troll form playdough.
  • Year 4 Roman Soldiers
    Year 4 had a fantastic time today drawing their version of a Roman Soldier. The children put a lot of effort into their drawings with wonderful results.
  • Year 4 - Charity Day
    Year 4 completed a one hour sponsored silence to raise money for the Salford Royal Hospital. The children enjoyed themselves so much that they have asked if we can do this every Friday! Well done Year 4, we are very proud of you all!
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