St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

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Latest News

  • Well done to Year 6. We celebrated the end of an amazing year by naming our head children, awarding each other certificates of achievement and looking back at our old Reception pics.
  • Year 6 celebrated their last Mass with school this morning.
  • Reception Class visited Sea Life in Manchester. They had a wonderful time interacting with all kinds of sea creatures.
  • EYFS/Reception Class - Stay and Play Session.
  • Year 5 are getting ready for life in Year 6! They met their new teacher today. Let the hard work being!!!
  • EYFS/Reception Class - Star Books session.
  • Welcome to Year 5! #sjfmoveupmorning #samebutdifferent
  • Our new Year 3s are looking very grown up on their first day in Key Stage 2! Mrs Davies is very impressed! #moveupmorning #year3
  • A lovely transition morning for our Year 3 children. They are certainly ready for Year 4 in September
  • Year 3 had a fabulous MFL Super learning day. They learned about the Olympic Games which will be taking place in Paris this summer. They watched the flag parade at the opening ceremony of a previous games and described the flags in French. Fantastique!
  • Year 6 have been learning about the Paris Olympics as part of our MFL Super Learning Day. We've been talking to each other in French about what sports we like or dislike and why
  • Year 6 had a special visitor today. A past pupil came to tell us about their career journey after leaving our school. Do you know what a dispatch officer does for the Greater Manchester Police?
  • A wonderful celebration with our children and families as we continue with them on their faith journey.
  • Year 6 are having a lovely afternoon after a very hard working week. SATs are over so let's have fun!!!
  • A letter to Year 6 in preparation for their KS2 SATs.
  • Year 6 had a great time learning about the Mayan city of Chichen Itza as part of our History Super Learning day.
  • A big congratulations to Year 5 who are all award winners this week! Well done
  • Great pictures of some of our award winners for this week. 19.4.24
  • EYFS/Reception Class - Maths
  • The focus for Super Maths learning is Measure. Year 1 have had a fun packed morning measuring lots of different objects using a variety of measuring equipment
  • Year 5 had a fantastic day at Quarry Bank Mill. Their behaviour was exceptional and they were a credit to our school.
  • Year 6 have been debating about the pros and cons of school uniforms.
  • As part of the Inspiring Aviation Campaign, in partnership with the Department for Transport's 'Reach for the Sky' initiative, Year 6 were invited to take part in a question and answer session via Zoom. We learnt about aviation careers among young people!
  • Thank you to our Year 6 chaplains for delivering the Wednesday Word to Year 4. We talked about Lent and following God’s way
  • Well done Year 1 for your generous donations to Francis House. Your gifts are much appreciated by all the poorly children at the hospice. Thank you
  • Today the volunteers have been out with the pupils from St. John Fisher RC Primary School. The pupils were helping us sow wildflowers on the patch of land near the school at the top of Stanycliffe Lane.
  • Some super paintings of the Houses of Parliament inspired by Monet.
  • The children had an amazing Enterprise Week.
  • Year 6 have had a great time thinking about future jobs and careers. We have interviewed people from different sectors to help us think about what jobs we might want to do.
  • Reception Class have had a super time this morning learning all about ‘People who help us’. They visited Little Play Town, a role play centre in Heywood.
  • The children had a great (and very noisy) time at the KS2 Disco tonight. Lots of treats and dancing!
  • The children have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day. Bringing in their favourite books and dressing up in pyjamas. Well done children
  • Year 6 had a great day. We read our favourite books and created illustrations in the style of Quentin Blake. We then developed our own unique story characters.
  • @jasinbath and the talented illustrator @AFatimaharan Children created some fantastic alternative characters to familiar traditional tales
  • A wonderful celebration as we start the week ahead of World Book Day. Year 2 enjoyed taking part in the British Library event listening to amazing authors Michael Rosen and Jasbinder Bilan.
  • EYFS/Reception -P.E Spring Term 2 - Tennis
  • Year 5 - Music Children have been identifying high pitch and low pitch notes. They have worked extremely hard playing new notes. Keep up the good work children.
  • Year 5 - Career Related Learning HSBC delivered an informative workshop today discussing the importance of budgeting money. Children looked at different scenarios and thought about which option would be the best price and why.
  • We celebrated the beginning of Lent this morning with a lovely Ash Wednesday service.
  • Our wonderful Year 6 Chaplains have been spreading the Word of God as part of our Wednesday Word
  • A huge thank you to our parents, relatives and carers who came to read with their children as part of our Star Books shared reading experience.
  • This week was all about listening. We talked about how we show we are listening and where we listen to God’s word.✝️
  • Year 6 had an amazing time at Robin Wood. On our last day we created prayers of thanks for all of the courage that we gained and the friendships that we strengthened.
  • Year 3 - This weeks 2nd session Sacramental Programme went very well. The children worked on, What is the Church?
  • Our Caritas Ambassadors led an assembly on the 7 aspects of Catholic Social teaching as it is #CaritasSunday this Sunday when we reflect on the social action work that has taken place.
  • A beautiful Prayer and Liturgy session in Year 2 listening to stories, offering up our prayers and reflecting on how God sends us His word through The Holy Bible
  • The theme of Year 1 prayer and liturgy this week was new starts. We talked about new starts we can make with our family, friends and God.
  • In Prayer and Liturgy this week the children lead the worship by talking about how they have celebrated as a Parish family in church. The children brought in photos of times when they had celebrated.
  • A beautiful prayer and liturgy session this afternoon. Children sang a hymn, wrote prayers, read scripture from the Bible and had a moment of silence to think about the mission Jesus had.
  • A huge thank you to all of our families for your donations and support with our Caritas Advent appeal. We have donated all of the items to the Cornerstone’s homeless charity and received a lovely thank you message
  • Reception Class - What a lovely R.E session today. We had a visit from one of our Parish family members.
  • Year 6 had a really interesting afternoon finding out about the role of a Magistrate.
  • Year 6 are preparing themselves for a very busy year. We wrote and shared prayers and asked for God's help for the year ahead.
  • Year 4 Class Prayer and Liturgy
  • Year 1 thought about special people who guide them to make good choices during Prayer and Liturgy this afternoon.
  • What a glorious end to the first week back at school after Christmas. A lovely Prayer and Liturgy all about Celebrations, and The Epiphany. ✝️
  • Year 5 reflected on the importance of role missionaries play in society. We understand the importance of preaching the gospel to the whole human race
  • We celebrated Mass in preparation for the exciting year ahead.
  • Year 3 led a wonderful celebration for our end of year Mass. Wonderful singing as we reflected on the year just gone and what the new year will bring.
  • Year 3 led a wonderful celebration for our end of year Mass. Wonderful singing as we reflected on the year just gone and what the new year will bring.
  • Year 6 had a special visitor this afternoon. We had very loud fun and games during our Christmas party time
  • Year 6 tried their hand at debating this morning. We researched nativity scenes and cribs from around the world and then developed an argument as to which country had the best cribs.
  • Year 5 and Year 6 for together to read and reflect on the second week of Advent. We thought about the significance of the Bethlehem candle and how we can prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus.
  • Year 5 and Year 6 for together to read and reflect on the second week of Advent. We thought about the significance of the Bethlehem candle and how we can prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus.
  • The school choir have a special message for everyone this Christmas
  • We had a great time this morning at Church with our Gardeners & Seeds club. Our Year 6 children looked after the Reception children as we looked at the crib. We thought about its importance and why Jesus and the Wise Men are not included yet.
  • A beautiful and very thoughtful prayer as part of our Year 2 Travelling Crib.
  • Yesterday was the second Sunday of Advent. The second purple candle was lit as we continue to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas
  • Our Year 6 Caritas Ambassadors have led an assembly to start off our Advent Appeal. We are asking for donations of new clothes and toiletries to give to a homeless charity #BeeThere
  • Congratulations to all our children for winning various awards including Marvellous Mathematician and Star Writer awards. A big well done.
  • A beautiful prayer in our travelling crib book
  • Today we held a special Mass to celebrate and to say thank you for our school's 50th Anniversary.
  • This week children have been understanding the meaning of the Advent Wreath
  • Year 1 had a lovely afternoon with Alison #freshwatertheatre. We looked at toys from the past and present.
  • EYFS/Reception Class - RE Advent Today the children wrote their Advent promises and coloured in an Advent wreath. We talked about what an Advent wreath is and why we have them. Last week the children made an Advent Star.
  • Year 6 had a fantastic 7:1 win against St John Thornham
  • Year 4 have been working hard in RE this afternoon. The children have been working in groups to order Christmas card themes from 'most important' to 'least important'. The children discussed their reasons and ideas before writing their explanations.
  • Year 6 have prepared Advent promises and used them to create angel Christmas tree decorations.
  • Year 6 learnt some amazing first aid skills today. They know what to do in an emergency, how to do chest compressions and how to put someone in the recovery position! We are all life savers!
  • We watched an amazing Panto show today. The children really enjoyed the Robin Hood Panto!
  • Year 6 had a great party afternoon as we celebrated our school's 50th birthday.
  • A big thank you to the Hope Mill Theatre company for their workshop with Year 6.
  • Thank you to Naomi from Hope Mill Theatre for teaching us the rules used for improvisation in drama to put an interesting story together.
  • Meditation Practice with Maria Hall
  • Year 6 Laudato Si’ Dance Workshop
  • Year 6 Inter - Faith Week
  • We were visited by Paul Sturgess, a famous basketball star.
  • Year 6 Recycling Trip
  • Laudato Si’ Dance Workshop
  • Sponsored Event
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