St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

Year 1

Mrs Yerby
Year 1 Nativity 2023
Year 1 Share and Shine
Year 1 Poetry Mornings - September and December
RSE - Relationship and Sex Education
RSE PowerPoint for Parents 2023
Parent Information - RWI Phonics

Parent Guide to RWI Phonics

Parent Information – Phonic Screen Test


Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

Knowledge Organisers

 Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - RE

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - English

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Week One - Maths - Place value

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Science

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Geography

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - Design and Technology

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn One - PE - Gymnastics

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - RE - Belonging

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - RE - Advent

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - English

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Maths - Number Bonds to 10

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Maths - Place Value

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Science

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - Topic

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - PE - Football

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Two - PE - Hockey

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - RE

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - English

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Maths - Place value within 20

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Maths - Addition and Subtraction

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Science

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - History and Geography

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring One - Design and Technology

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - PE - Netball

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - PE - Basketball

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring Term - RE - Eucharist and Lent

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring Two - RE - Eucharist

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring Two - English

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring Two - Block 2 - Maths

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring Two - Science

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring Two - Topic

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring Two - Art

KS1 Knowledge Organiser -Spring Two - PE - Tennis

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - Spring Two - PE - Badminton

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer One - RE - Holidays and Holy Days

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer One - English

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer One - Maths - Multiplication and Division

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer One - Science

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer One - History and Geography

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer One - Art

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer One - PE - Rounders

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer One - PE - Cricket 

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer Two - RE

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer Two - English

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer Two - Block 2 - Maths

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer Two - Science

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer Two - Geography

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer Two - Art

KS1 Knowledge Organiser - Summer Two - PE - Athletics



Support for Phonics and Reading
Reading-age-5-6-year 1



Phonics Video Clips



Tasks to be Completed at Home (Remote Learning)

If you have any safeguarding concerns during the school closure period with regard online learning please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Hadfield) at school on 0161 643 3271 or via email

In the event of a school closure this section will contain class work.

Useful Websites for Home Learning
Math Website List
English Website List
SEND Website List
Science Website List
PE and Physical Activity Website List
Mental Wellbeing Website List
RE Website List



Latest News

Year 1

  • The focus for Super Maths learning is Measure. Year 1 have had a fun packed morning measuring lots of different objects using a variety of measuring equipment
  • Well done Year 1 for your generous donations to Francis House. Your gifts are much appreciated by all the poorly children at the hospice. Thank you
  • Some super paintings of the Houses of Parliament inspired by Monet.
  • The children had an amazing Enterprise Week.
  • The children have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day. Bringing in their favourite books and dressing up in pyjamas. Well done children
  • @jasinbath and the talented illustrator @AFatimaharan Children created some fantastic alternative characters to familiar traditional tales
  • The theme of Year 1 prayer and liturgy this week was new starts. We talked about new starts we can make with our family, friends and God.
  • Year 1 thought about special people who guide them to make good choices during Prayer and Liturgy this afternoon.
  • Year 1 had a lovely afternoon with Alison #freshwatertheatre. We looked at toys from the past and present.
  • Just look at the budding artist work in Year 1
  • Year 1 have had a ball this morning. They have been Halloween sorting, Halloween dancing and Halloween painting. Wow
  • Year 1 Computing lesson was wonderful this morning. The children have been predicting the meaning of different emojis. They have been learning what different feelings look like and have made their own emojis to match their facial feelings
  • Welcome back to Computing Year 1. Working jolly hard this morning to create animation on the iPads. Lots of fun! Well done Year 1.
  • Year 1 had a fast paced lesson in Computing this morning. Their challenge was to cover as much of the curriculum as they could in an allotted time. Art, Math, D&T, Music and History apps were used by the children. Such Fun! Well done Year 1
  • Year 1 have loved watching frogspawn turn into frogs. Yesterday some of the frogs were returned to the pond the frogspawn came from.
  • Year 1 children have now finished drawing and colouring their beach balls. A stunning achievement Year 1
  • Year One have made some doves and a story wheel to help them to remember the story of Pentecost.
  • Year 1 enjoyed eating the cress they have grown but think it would taste better in a salad or sandwich!
  • Year 1 were very excited to see that some of their sunflower seeds have sprouted.
  • Year 1 have had a great day getting ready for the coronation.
  • Year 1 have been in the playground for their speaking and listening activity this morning. The children used the iPad microphone to record their seaside topic work. More robot and commands work with Beebot and Teksta.
  • Year 1 have been busy this afternoon planting sunflower seeds and are looking forward to seeing them grow.
  • Year 1 went on a walk around school this afternoon to see what plants look like and where they grow.
  • This week Year 1 have found lots of different ways to retell the Events of Holy Week.
  • Year 1 did a fantastic job leading the whole school mass this morning.
  • Year 1 made Easter gardens this afternoon.
  • Year 1 were very busy this morning with their Computing Assessments. A big well done to all the children in Year 1.
  • Year 1 will be looking at how Middleton has changed over the years. The children will identify buildings from the past and present.
  • Year 1 Middleton Landmarks
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