St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale News

The latest news stories from St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale.


News Stories

  • Year 4 Computing - ChatterPix
    An amusing Computing afternoon in Year 4. The children have made their very own silly ChatterPix. They are also collecting facts about Middleton, ready to put into their Balloon Stickies + app next week. Well done Year 4.
  • Laudato Si
    Hannah has been hosting Laudato SI dance week in St. John Fisher RC Primary School. This morning Reception Class went for their session with the theme ‘care for our common home, looking after the world around us’.
  • Year 4 East Lancashire Railway School Trip
    As part of our topic 'Where I Live: Greater Manchester' and to link with our class text 'The Primrose Railway Children', we went on a steam train journey from Bury to Rawtenstall.
  • UK Parliament Assembly
    The KS2 children learned about the House of Commons and the House of Lords and how laws are made.
  • Year 5 Mount Everest
    Year 5 have used the video-based storytelling tool Plotagon to tell their audience all about Mount Everest. Using such facts as Mount Everest is 60 million Years old and the youngest climber was only 13 years old! Well done Year 5.
  • Year 4 King of Maths
    Our fabulous Year 4 have continued their PuppetPals work all about Middleton. They are looking great! Math work today was the fantastic King of Maths. Well done Year 4.
  • Year 3 Book Creator
    Welcome back to Computing Year 3. How fantastic they have been today. The children have learnt how to search the Internet for pictures, save them to the camera roll and then place them into Book Creator comics.
  • Speech Bubbles on the iPad
    Year 2 were welcomed back to Computing this afternoon. My how they have grown! Today the children learnt all about speech bubbles on the iPad. Well done Year 2.
  • Animation Computing with Year 1
    Welcome back to Computing Year 1. Working jolly hard this morning to create animation on the iPads. Lots of fun! Well done Year 1.
  • First Computing Lesson
    A wonderful first Computing afternoon with our brand new Reception Class. Learning Computing rules and identifying the HOME button On the iPad.
Showing 131-140 of 257