St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale News

The latest news stories from St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale.


News Stories

  • This week’s award winners. Congratulations everyone!
  • Career Related News
    Year 5 - Career Related Learning HSBC delivered an informative workshop today discussing the importance of budgeting money. Children looked at different scenarios and thought about which option would be the best price and why.
  • Ash Wednesday Celebration
    We celebrated the beginning of Lent this morning with a lovely Ash Wednesday service.
  • Year 6 Star Books
    A huge thank you to our parents, relatives and carers who came to read with their children as part of our Star Books shared reading experience.
  • Year 6 Chaplains
    Our wonderful Year 6 Chaplains have been spreading the Word of God as part of our Wednesday Word
  • Sacramental Programme Meeting (Week 3)
    This week was all about listening. We talked about how we show we are listening and where we listen to God’s word.✝️
  • Year 6 at Robin Wood Prayer & Liturgy
    Year 6 had an amazing time at Robin Wood. On our last day we created prayers of thanks for all of the courage that we gained and the friendships that we strengthened.
  • Caritas Leaders Assembly
    Our Caritas Ambassadors led an assembly on the 7 aspects of Catholic Social teaching as it is #CaritasSunday this Sunday when we reflect on the social action work that has taken place.
  • Sacramental Programme
    Year 3 - This weeks 2nd session Sacramental Programme went very well. The children worked on, What is the Church?
  • Year 1 - New Starts
    The theme of Year 1 prayer and liturgy this week was new starts. We talked about new starts we can make with our family, friends and God.
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